Oskar Felber (1992)
Oskar Felber dokončil magisterské studium v roce 2019 na Fakultě uměníTechnické univerzity v Košicích, kde studoval v Ateliéru malby u Adama Szentpéteriho.Inspiraci čerpá z obskurních zákoutí popkultury a osobní mytologie, ale ovlivňují ho takékaždodenní situace a pocity, jako jsou melancholie, deprese a ironie. Felberova díla častobalancují mezi abstraktními a figurálními prvkami. Po dlouhém období figurativní tvorby se navrací zpět k abstraktní malbě v nejnovější sérii obrazů s názvem “Parts Unknown”. Abstrakce pro Felbera zůstává nevyčerpatelným zdrojem inspirace. Série maleb vznikají pohybem v souřadnicovým systémem akce-gesto-spontánnost, ale součástí jeho tvořivého procesu je také trashový přístup k malbě.Obrazy jsou zastoupené ve sbírkách na Slovensku - např. Východoslovenská galéria a vzahraničí, kde pravidelně vystavuje. Na Slovensku byl v roce 2023 po čtvrté nominovaný dofinálového výběru soutěže VÚB Malba roku.
Solo výstavy
Dear Desolation 2022 Spaza Gallery, Prague, CZ
The Spawning Pool 2020 Umakart Gallery, Brno, CZ
Ancient Skinwalker 2020
Ancient Skinwalker 2020
Berlinskej Model, Prague, CZ
True Love 2019 VUNU Gallery, Košice, SK Oskar Felber...a tí druhí 2015 Šariš Gallery, Prešov, SK
Skupinové výstavy
Please Take Care of Me 2023 - Galerie Sibiř, Brno, Czech Republic
Painting of the Year 2023 - VÚB Bank
2023 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
DOOMSDAY 2023 VUNU Gallery - Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia
Turin Art Fair 2022 The Others Art Fair, Turin, Italy
Warsaw Art Fair 2022 Warsaw off Art, Poland
Painting of the Year 2022 - VÚB Bank 2022 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
The Sound of the Sun Going Down 2022 Luxfer Gallery, Česká Skalice, Czech Republic
Dependance Lípa 2022 ruimteCAESUUR Gallery, Middelburg, Netherlands
Painting of the Year 2021 - VÚB Bank 2021 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
FELBER/ LUKÁČ/ MOFLÁR/ VAN DER LINDEN - KUNSTHALLE 2021 VUNU Gallery -Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia
Face of Work 2020 - 2021 Kulturpark Košice, Slovakia
Young & Wild 2020 Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
Painting of the Year 2019 - VÚB Bank 2019 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
NERV 2019 Nerv Platforma, Humenné, Slovakia
Výstavy, stáže, rezidence, realizace
Oskar Felber completed his MA in 2019 at the Faculty of Arts, Technical University in Košice, where he studied in the Painting Studio under Adam Szentpéteri.He draws inspiration from obscure corners of pop culture and personal mythology, but is also influenced by everyday situations and feelings such as melancholy, depression and irony. Felber's works often balance between abstract and figurative elements. After a long period of figurative work, he returns to abstract painting in his latest series of paintings entitled "Parts Unknown". Abstraction remains an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Felber. The series of paintings are created by moving through a coordinate system of action-gesture-spontaneity, but a trash approach to painting is also part of his creative process.The paintings are represented in collections in Slovakia - e.g. East Slovak Gallery and inabroad, where he regularly exhibits. In Slovakia, he was nominated for the fourth time in 2023 for final selection of the VÚB Painting of the Year competition.
Solo exhibitons
Dear Desolation 2022 Spaza Gallery, Prague, CZ
The Spawning Pool 2020 Umakart Gallery, Brno, CZ
Ancient Skinwalker 2020
Ancient Skinwalker 2020
Berlinskej Model, Prague, CZ
True Love 2019 VUNU Gallery, Košice, SK Oskar Felber...a tí druhí 2015 Šariš Gallery, Prešov, SK
Group exhibitions
Please Take Care of Me 2023 - Galerie Sibiř, Brno, Czech Republic
Painting of the Year 2023 - VÚB Bank
2023 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
DOOMSDAY 2023 VUNU Gallery - Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia
Turin Art Fair 2022 The Others Art Fair, Turin, Italy
Warsaw Art Fair 2022 Warsaw off Art, Poland
Painting of the Year 2022 - VÚB Bank 2022 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
The Sound of the Sun Going Down 2022 Luxfer Gallery, Česká Skalice, Czech Republic
Dependance Lípa 2022 ruimteCAESUUR Gallery, Middelburg, Netherlands
Painting of the Year 2021 - VÚB Bank 2021 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
FELBER/ LUKÁČ/ MOFLÁR/ VAN DER LINDEN - KUNSTHALLE 2021 VUNU Gallery -Kunsthalle Košice, Slovakia
Face of Work 2020 - 2021 Kulturpark Košice, Slovakia
Young & Wild 2020 Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
Painting of the Year 2019 - VÚB Bank 2019 Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
NERV 2019 Nerv Platforma, Humenné, Slovakia